Ballot Issues Approved in Hannibal, Ralls & Lewis Counties
It was a good day for northeast Missouri ballot issues in Tuesday’s municipal election.
In Hannibal, voters agreed to continue the city’s $1.90 monthly recycling fee to support Hannibal’s recycling program.
Voters in the Ralls County R-2 school district approved a $4.75 million dollar no-tax bond issue for improvements to Mark Twain Junior and Senior High School, and a $3.25 million dollar lease purchase funded by a 20 cent debt service levy increase.
Ralls County voters agreed to continue its half-cent sales tax.
In Center, a proposal to issue $2 million dollars in bonds to pay for sewer improvements was approved.
Voters in the Lewis County C-1 school district approved a tax increase to bolster the district’s operating funds. The increase comes to about $4.33 per $100 of assessed valuation.
And, voters in LaBelle okayed a property tax increase of 35 cents per $100 assessed valuation to pay for street repairs and maintenance.