Missouri Woman Senses Ozark Howler – Knew She Was Being Watched
Have you ever been walking in the woods and had the sense that you were being watched? That happened to a Missouri woman named Laura who not only felt like something was watching her, but she also heard and saw strange sights she believed were the infamous Ozark Howler. Her story is chilling.
If you're not familiar with this creature, the Ozark Howler is a legendary Missouri cryptid that many believe lurks in the woods in southern Missouri. Wikipedia says "the Howler is a legendary creature said to dwell in the Ozarks" and they're not wrong.
My favorite Missouri Bigfoot YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory interviewed Laura about what she saw, heard and sensed deep in the Missouri woods. She described a disturbing moment when she was alone in the woods in a remote area south of Kansas City.
"I had my flashlight and I was kind of shining it a little bit...then I heard to the left of the pond...I heard another one of those howls...and I thought maybe I shouldn't be here...maybe I'm not down here alone".
Laura's fear was about to escalate as she heard more sounds she could not explain.
"I could hear banging on the tree...when I really got more concerned was when it sounded like something had thrown a rock...and by now it was like dark".
She knew she needed to get out of that area which meant scaling a hill.
"Now I'm worried and I'm beginning to hear something in the trees...it was BIG".
Laura's flashlight could not pick up anything even though she could hear big trees breaking in the woods next to her. She said her hair was standing up on end. Laura did not feel safe and she felt like she was infringing on something else's territory.
What's worse is that Laura could tell the sounds around her were getting closer. She headed up the hill and swears to this day that SOMETHING was near her and watching her.
When she finally got up the hill, her family told her that she was fortunate because "the howlers are out there".
That's just one of several encounters Laura talks about in her interview with Sasquatch Theory. Highly recommend you listen to her tell her story.
I don't know what Laura encountered in the woods that day, but I do believe that she is sincere and believes what she's saying. Many will attest to the fact that strange things lurk in the Missouri woods.
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Gallery Credit: Allison Rank Team, ReeceNichols - Country Club Plaza, Realtor.com