I rarely share things that are extremely personal to me because I don't find myself that interesting. But, this is a topic that hits close to home. Many in Missouri claim that sleep paralysis demons are real. I do, too, because I have lived it.

Before I dig into what happened to me, there's a brand new article by Yahoo News that brought up a recent scientific study behind the phenomenon of people that say they've been attacked by demons in their sleep.

Many in Missouri say they are among the victims.

What is a sleep paralysis demon?

Many in the study including many Missourians testify that they sense an evil entity that scares them to the point where they cannot move. Some even claim they've experienced physical injuries and have the photos to prove it.

The study found many interesting aspects of these experiences that are curious. Many said the entities were strangers they had never seen before. Many also claimed they were conscious and not asleep when the encounter/attacks happened. Most remember the encounters vividly more than they would a normal dream.

A few felt enough fear they were afraid they were going to die.

The study tries to explain away all of these experiences by saying they are simple sleep hallucinations caused by sleep deprivation. I truly believe their conclusion is wrong and I'll explain why. 

My personal encounters with sleep paralysis demons more than 30 years ago in Missouri

I have not shared what I'm about to share with many as it's embarrassing, but feel like me telling my story might help someone else that has dealt with or is currently dealing with this experience.

I worked a late night radio shift in 1990 meaning I would regularly arrive home after midnight and not attempt sleep until 1 or 2am. I vividly remember what happened one of those nights like it was yesterday. I rented an old house that had wooden floors. I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep in the early morning hours when I suddenly heard footsteps coming down the long hallway to my bedroom. I was alone. The footsteps were so distinct, I feared someone had broken into the house. I was facing away from the hallway and tried to slowly roll over so I could see what was approaching.

As I slowly moved my head to where I could see the hallway clearly, whatever it was sounded like it was almost next to me. As I looked down the hallway, I was terrified that I saw nothing. 

Immediately, I heard footsteps running around my bed with the most evil laughter I've ever experienced. I'm rarely afraid of anything, but I was TERRIFIED. I could not move and could not even scream. The laughter was evil and taunting. No one can convince me that I was not dealing with pure evil.

With everything I could muster, I silently screamed for help in my mind saying "JESUS!". Immediately whatever it was retreated and the room was silent again.

How do I know I wasn't just having a nightmare? Because I immediately got up and turned the light on and went in to the living room and sat on my couch to try and calm down. I was wide awake.

I understand that science does not believe in anything it can't prove so I get why they aren't willing to accept the testimony of people like me who say they encountered real evil. But, I know what I experienced and I know that what I encountered in my Missouri home was not friendly and was very real.

It's my hope and prayer that you never experience what I did. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

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Gallery Credit: Atlas Survival Shelters via YouTube

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