Vaccine Q&A
Get your questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine answered from Local Expert.
As we all sit here in January 2021 and think back to those early days of March 2020 when the country started going into lock downs due to the COVID-19 virus, I remember all anyone could talk about is "when will we have a vaccine?" Well the vaccine is here now and as it becomes available to more and more citizens it is important to have any questions you might have about the vaccine answered. And if you do have questions you're in luck!
The Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with the Great River Economic Development Foundation, and The District to host a Vaccine Q&A to help anyone get answers to if the vaccine is right for them. The Q&A session is scheduled for Monday, January 25th at 10am, and on the Facebook event page they say...
"Join the Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce, Great River Economic Development Foundation, and The District as we host Interim Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Rick Noble, Quincy Medical Group. Dr. Noble will discuss the COVID-19 Vaccine and help to answer questions you may have about it."
To register for the Zoom Q&A with Dr. Noble CLICK HERE!
For more information about the event, check out the Facebook event page by clicking here!
I think this is great of these organizations to team up together and give us all the opportunity to speak to a local expert about any questions or concerns we all might have about the COVID-19 Vaccines that are available in our area.