Quincy Man Arrested Charged with Criminal Sexual Assault
The Quincy Police Department has arrested a Quincy man on several charges of criminal sexual assault.
Aaron Washington, 45 of Quincy, is lodged in the Adams County Jail after an investigation determined he was in contact with a 13-year-old Quincy female. Washington is a registered sex offender with Adams County and during the investigation, it was found that Washington had multiple social media sites, vehicles, and other items that he failed to report on his sex offender registers as required by law. Additionally, Washington was living within 500 feet of a school.
On September 12, Washington was lodged in the Adams County Jail on multiple accounts of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, Sex Offender residing within 500 feet of a school, Unlawful Communication with a Minor, and other charges. On October 6, additional evidence was presented to the Adams County Grand Jury where Washington was indicted on the original charges and new counts of Criminal Sexual Assault and Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse. Washington remains in the Adams County Jail.
According to the Quincy Police Department Press Release,
Aaron Washington has a prior conviction for Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse involving a victim less than 13 years of age prior to 2006, as well as a 2012 conviction for Violation Sex Offender Registration, and a conviction in 2014 for Home Invasion/Sex Offense.