It's important to always be aware of your surroundings and that's never been more important than it is now in our modern era. The FBI is warning Illinois residents about a rise in incidents involving 'jugging'. It's much more dangerous and common than it sounds.

It was just reported a few days ago by Yahoo News that the FBI had issued bulletins about a criminal practice known as "jugging". This technique of ripping people off is becoming especially common in Illinois including a victim in Wheeling.

What is jugging and how can you avoid it?

As ABC 7 in Chicago reported, the Wheeling, Illinois victim stopped at an ATM to get money from their bank account. What they didn't realize is they were being watched. Once the perpetrators saw them withdraw what appeared to be a decent amount of money, they proceeded to follow them home which is where the victim was attacked.

The FBI advises the following:

  • Watch for any vehicles within viewing distance of the ATM where there's someone in the vehicle, but they don't exit to do business
  • Conceal any amount of cash you get from the ATM
  • Note if it appears that any vehicle seems to be following you and if so, call the police and drive to a well-lit public area
  • Don't be distracted by your phone until you're in a safe place

I'll add my own strategies to what the FBI said. Whenever I'm at an ATM or paying for anything anywhere, I assume I'm being watched and cover my hands when entering PIN numbers. I make eye contact with anyone in any nearby vehicle and make a mental note of who's where. Does that sound paranoid? Sure. Would I rather be paranoid and safe than robbed? Absolutely.

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Gallery Credit: Google Maps Street View

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