Missouri Place with Fastest Home Sales? Prepare to Be Shocked
I've seen the numbers and still don't believe it. If I were to give you 500 guesses about the Missouri place with the fastest-growing home sales, I doubt you'd get this one right. However, the numbers don't lie.
It's no secret the housing market in Missouri is a volatile one these days and that seems to be the case in most states. I decided to look at the latest numbers from Redfin which shows home sales growth during the most recent full completed month of August. Which city has the fastest-growing home sales in Missouri? You might want to sit down for this.
Answer - Ferguson, Missouri
I predict you've had one of two likely responses. You're either gasping and/or laughing. Here's proof so you know I'm not imagining this.
There are dozens of St. Louis communities that I would have guessed would have the highest home sales like Creve Coeur, Chesterfield or St. Peters. They're all growth areas, too, but not close to the staggering 37.5% growth that Ferguson (yes, Ferguson) has right now.
There are sadly many things that Ferguson, Missouri is known for, but home sales is not one of them...until now.
There was an interesting question asked on Quora that relates to this. It was "Have any positive things happened in Ferguson, MO in the time following the Michael Brown incident?" The answers were interesting and a little convicting. One inferred that being surprised at a positive thing happening in Ferguson is judgmental. That's fair, but you'd have to admit most of the news out of this part of Missouri involves crime and/or disorder.
I'll gladly take this news for what it is. Growth in a Missouri place that could certainly use some good news even if it's a bit of a surprise.
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Gallery Credit: Tom V via YouTube
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