NECAC Launches EYE Program
It sounds like something your optometrist came up with, but it’s more about a vision for the future than for now.
The North East Community Action Corporation has launched Expand Your Employability – or EYE. It’s an expansion of the SkillUp Program, which targets people who are on food stamps.
With SkillUp, there are two types of people who are assisted – volunteers and able-bodied people without dependents.
Unfortunately, not everyone falls into these categories, so NECAC has developed EYE for those that do not receive food stamps.
Under the program, NECAC staff will be work one-on-one with eligible individuals to help remove the barriers they face to obtaining employment.
Some examples can include resumes, training and getting a diploma possibly. NECAC will try to help participants reach their potential in employment and give them the tools to be successful.
More information is available by calling NECAC Community Services at 573-324-6633 or your NECAC County Service Center.