Marilyn Kramer Pleads Not Guilty in Children’s Deaths
A Quincy woman charged in the deaths of her two children in a house fire in October was in Adams County Circuit Court Wednesday.
34 year old Marilyn Kramer entered a not guilty plea to charges of involuntary manslaughter and endangering the life or health of a child.
Kramer and the children’s father, 34 year old William Brewer, face charges in connection with the deaths of eight year old Toby Brewer and five year old Emma Kramer in a house fire at 611 North Eighth last October 12th.
Kramer and Brewer are alleged to have run a damaged extension cord from a neighbor’s basement to their house for electricity, running the cord under a mattress and causing the fire.
Kramer’s next court date is set for April 17th. Her case has been put on the May jury trial docket.
Both Kramer and Brewer are in the Adams County Jail on $25,000 bond each.
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