Wait – World’s Largest Lava Flow Really Extends Into Missouri?
It's not breaking news that I didn't pay real close attention during geology classes in high school, but maybe I should. I've learned today that the world's largest lava flow might really extend into parts of Missouri? Who knew?
Last time I checked, Missouri did not have any active volcanoes although there are some ancient ones according to Washington University. This legendary lava flow I've just learned about doesn't have anything to do with those in the St. Francois Mountains though. Nope. This lava flow actually began in Michigan. Alexis Dahl did a great job of explaining of explaining what the Greenstone Flow is an the path it took across the middle of America.
Look at this map showing this ancient lava flow which started near Michigan and then extends down into the northwestern tip of Missouri. Yes, lava in Missouri. Go figure.
Michigan Tech University said "The Greenstone flow is one of the Earth's largest lava flows" and it includes Missouri.
The National Park Service also got into the act including backstory of this Lake Superior volcano from eras long gone.
National Geographic says if you look close enough, you can still see this lava flow today in the landscape between Michigan and Lake Superior down and into northwestern Missouri.
It's actually easier to see the volcanic history of Missouri in the St. Francois Mountains where ancient volcanoes lived. The area is obviously dormant now, but it didn't used to be.
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Gallery Credit: Wes Adams