The general mid-term election is coming up on November 6th, with numerous seats and issues on the ballot in Illinois, Missouri and Iowa. To ensure you are able to vote come election day, make sure you're registered by the following dates. Since we do have a few readers outside the Tri-States region, head to the Voter Participation Center website to find your registration deadline.


Illinois does offer same day registration, so if you can't get registered prior to the election, you can show up to your polling location. If you'd like to make sure you are 100% set to go and registered to vote prior to the election, you have until Tuesday, October 9th to register. You can register either in person, online, or by mail, but the mail-in registration must be post-marked by October 9th. To find out if you're already registered, or to find your polling location, visit the Illinois Voter registration site.


Unlike Illinois, Missouri does not offer same day registration, and you must be registered by Wednesday, October 10th in order to vote. You can register in person, online or by mail. The mail-in registration forms must be post-marked by October 10th. To find out if you're registered, visit the Missouri Secretary of State's voter outreach page.

Political vote badge


Iowa has the latest registration deadline, with everything due by Saturday, October 27th. Unlike Illinois and Missouri, if you mail your registration in, it just has to be received by the 27th, where as the other two just need it to be post-marked by the due date. However, much like Illinois, they do have Same Day Registration, so you can register at your polling place on November 6th. To find out if you're registered, and more info on how to register, visit Iowa's Secretary of State website.

And make sure you vote on November 6th!

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