I'm so used to seeing Lake of the Ozarks or Table Rock Lake mentioned as go-to Missouri places, I barely notice new lists that include them anymore. However, there's a recent one that claims the most 'crystal-clear lake in Missouri isn't Lake of the Ozarks or Table Rock. It's one you may have never heard of.
I found something or actually someplace that I cannot explain. It's a Missouri town or at least it used to be, but the official population is zero. It's like nothing was ever there, but I can prove there used to be.
The legend of a Missouri werewolf has been passed down so many times, I can practically repeat it from memory. However, it's very possible there is more truth to this long-told legend than you might think based on eyewitness testimony.
There is a man on the run who Troy, Missouri police warn should be considered armed and dangerous. He is sought by many agencies in that area for questioning.
Your help is needed to help locate a teen that went missing from Troy, Missouri a few days ago. His name is Drew Thompson and he was last seen in Hannibal earlier this week.
Have you heard the tall tale of the werewolf near Sugar Creek around Troy, Missouri? Neither had I...until now. There is definitely some truth buried beneath the generations of Missourians telling this story.
Sentencing is set for February 15 for a New Canton Illinois man following his conviction on one count of transportation of a minor with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity.