I’m a Quincy native with brief side trips to Peoria and Jefferson City, Missouri. I attended and graduated from Bradley University. I worked for a little over seven years for another station in the Hannibal-Quincy area before spending two years at KWOS and KJMO in Jefferson City. I’ve been calling play by play for KHMO since the fall of ’86 and on the staff full time since the fall of 1989. Away from work at the radio stations, I call internet play by play for the Quincy Gems of the Prospect League. (college summer baseball) I also handle the public address work for Culver Stockton football and basketball. I play softball, vintage base ball and golf. Despite not having the traditional runner’s build, I enjoy distance running too. My golf handicap? Trees and water. I also enjoy reading. 19th and 20th century history and sports are the most frequent subject areas. I root for the St. Louis Cardinals, Kansas City Chiefs, Quincy Blue Devils, the Bradley Braves, Mizzou, and whoever is playing the Oakland Raiders, Los Angeles Rams, Kansas Jayhawks or Galesburg Silver Streaks.