Quincy Mayor Recommends Actions to Deal With COVID-19 Potential
Quincy Mayor Kyle Moore is recommending a dozen actions for city council approval to help the city in dealing with the COVID-19 virus and measures to combat the threat.
Mayor Moore's recommendations are...
1-Waive all fares on Quincy Transit Lines.
2-The City of Quincy Utilities Department will not shut off or suspend water service due to lack of payment Penalties for late payment may be waived on a case by case basis.
3-Utility payments should be paid on line of utilizing the drop box.
4-City licenses due on April 30th should be paid through the mail.
5-Postpone the prepared food, beverage and alcohol tax until 60 days after the State of Illinois are lifrted.
6-Bars and restaurants can sell and deliver packaged liquor during the State of Illinois restrictions on restarurants. and bars as long as:
a-The sale of package liquor is done curbside or delivery only.
b.All individuals wishing to purchase liquor shall be 21 years of age or older.
c. No one may come into the establishment to purchase or pick up alcohol.
d. There will be no sale of alcohol if the container is open.
8-All liquor licenses that are due in Fiscal year 2020-2021 can be paid on a quarterly basis.
9-The City of Quincy will waive rent owed by the Blue Haven Cafe during the State of Illinois restrictions on restaurants.
10-Employees of the City of Quincy who need to take time off due to school closures must:
a. Use all of their accrued sick time, vacation days, personal days and comp time. (In that order)
b. After all accrued time has been drawn down: the City will create a 'bank' for the employee time off days that will be paid back to the city as the employee accrues their time.
11-The City of Quincy will allow for no parking designations around Blessing Hospital's 28th and Lind location.
12-Remote participation during city council, committee and boards and commission meetings will be permitted as per state statute, a formal ordinance will be presented to the city council for ratification.