Possible Emerald Ash Borer Report in Hannibal
Missouri Department of Conservation officials say there is strong evidence that the emerald ash borer has made an appearance in Hannibal.
Department spokesman David Vance says they received a call from the Hannibal Country Club about a tree on their property. Vance says the tree shows D shaped exit holes and larval tunnels under the bark. Both are signs of emerald ash borer activity. To confirm the presence of emerald ash borers, Vance says larvae or adult beetles must be found.
There are safeguards and treatments. Vance says sprays and treatments are available, but they are expensive and need annual application. A range of insecticides are available but the chemical and the hiring of a professional arborist make that an expensive proposition. Reducing stress on the tree by properly watering it helps too. Vance also suggests planting another tree to eventually replace the ash tree. If you suspect that you have found emerald ash borers, you can compare damage to your tree with pictures on line at www.eab.missouri.edu.