No, Missouri is Not Banning These Batteries So Please Calm Down
I think I know how this rumor started, but I can ease your fears. No, Missouri is not banning batteries. Let me calmly repeat this. Missouri is not banning batteries so you need not panic.
I can't believe I'm having to actually put this in writing, but after seeing an uproar about a certain type of batteries being banned, let's dig down into the truth. I've seen many posts on the typical social media offenders screaming about "Missouri about to ban all my batteries", etc.
I've done some research and I think this rumor might have started with this share by Military.com recently. Considering how many military families move to and from Fort Leonard Wood and Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri frequently, this is likely where it all began. The story says that the US military is considering "new rules explicitly banning lithium metal and lithium-ion batteries in electronic devices for some moves". This is for military families only.
One reason why this rumor is so believable is because lithium-ion batteries can be dangerous especially with the fire hazards that come with them.
That's one reason why you have to label any package you send that has a product with lithium batteries in it with a warning. The danger is real.
Back to my original point. No, Missouri is not banning lithium-ion batteries. But, didn't California? No, even California hasn't banned them even though San Diego is considering it I hear.
Let's reserve our right to panic over more realistic issues, please.
Inside Exotic Survival Condos in the Kansas City, Missouri Area
Gallery Credit: CNET via YouTube
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