I want to be clear that I don't agree with 100% of what has just been shared in a new quality of life survey in America. Missouri was slammed for being among the worst, but the devil is in the details.

Perhaps it's my Missouri upbringing, but I'm always suspicious when I see the net claiming something about my birth state. I saw this shared on the Missouri sub-Reddit. It's a KSDK in St. Louis article about a CNBC article. They rank the states with the worst qualify of life in America and guess who gets a mention in their worst 10? That's right. Missouri is #7 for worst quality of life in America (allegedly).

It's when I read the "why" part of their article that I suspected an agenda was at work. Here are the "weaknesses" shared by CNBC:

"Weaknesses: Voting Rights, Crime, Reproductive Rights"

Excuse me for saying so, but in my opinion it's unfair to ding a state just because you don't happen to agree with its stance on reproductive rights. That's me talking and I'm not apologizing.

They also allege that it's difficult to vote in Missouri. I'm sure there are smarter people than me that analyze this stuff, but have never had a problem voting in Missouri when I wanted to.

The one fair criticism is the crime rate which is high, but that's also mainly the fault of the urban areas in St. Louis and Kansas City.

All things considered, this ranking seems to me to be based on some very subjective things which means take it with a grain of salt.

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Gallery Credit: Canva

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