Missouri Among Most Violent States But Much Better than Arkansas
Well, there's bad news about violence in Missouri, but some consolation also. A brand new ranking has Missouri ranked among the most violent states for crimes against persons. The good news? At least Missouri isn't Arkansas.
The website Inner Body just shared a new study breaking down crimes against persons across the United States. They created a graphic that shows how each state ranks. Blue on the map represents safer states while the darker red show the most violent. You'll see that Missouri is red, but notice how much worse Arkansas is.
According to their methodology, they used FBI and National Incident-Based Reporting System data to create their study.
I find it interesting that Illinois is ranked so high among safer states when it still (last time I checked) included the city of Chicago. It's a mystery.
There are some interesting takeaways in this study apart from Missouri being ranked among the most violent and Arkansas being even more dangerous. The Inner Body study says that most violent crime happens between 12 midnight and 1 am.
They also included this startling fact saying "41% of women and 26% of men experience sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner" at some point in their life.
The consequences of violent crime are devastating even beyond the physical harm that happens with many victims that survive suffering from PTSD for years if not the rest of their lives.
The entire study is an interesting read. As for me, I'll be extra careful the next time my travel takes me across the Missouri border into Arkansas.