I have never hoped a weather forecast was wrong more in my life than the one just shared by The Farmer's Almanac. They've updated their summer outlook and if it's accurate, Missouri is in for a hot and dry one.

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According to the Farmer's Almanac website, this new summer outlook was just issued yesterday, June 8, 2023. Their map says it all about what they believe Missouri can expect.

Infographic, The Farmer's Almanac
Infographic, The Farmer's Almanac

Yes, that's Missouri underneath that big red "Hot, Dry" area.

Back to the part where I'm hoping this is very wrong. This dry summer would only add to the misery of the ongoing drought that has already slammed the heart of Missouri. I have friends that are farmers in Missouri that are hoping beyond hope that this weekend brings the promised rainfall that's been forecast. Their fields are dry and moisture is desperately needed.

If you're listening, Missouri Weather, we'd like it in a long-form shower and not a gully-washer thunderstorm, please. Thanks.

It's worth mentioning that this is the summer forecast from The OLD Farmer's Almanac. For the record, The NEW Farmer's Almanac predicted that summer 2023 would be "hot and broiling" which now that I write it down doesn't sound much better.

I was once told by my grandpa that if you don't like Missouri weather, just wait 10 minutes and it will change. Let's hope his words ring true soon and we get a change (as in rain) soon.

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