What The? Farmer’s Almanac Already Predicting Snow for Illinois?
Hold on a second. I need to catch my breath from laughing (or was that crying?) after I just saw that Farmer's Almanac is predicting snow for Illinois. Yes, I checked. It's still August. What the?
I'm pretty sure that I'm not hallucinating. As a matter of fact, you can see what Farmer's Almanac just said about Illinois and other north-central states for yourself. I even took a screenshot in case someone takes the site down so you can see I'm not making this up.
Here goes...
In Farmer's Almanac's just issued Extended Fall Forecast 2024, they just said the following. Are you sitting down? You might want to if you aren't already.
Get ready for the first week of November, Illinois, because you're in for "an early-season heavy snowfall" event. PARTY.
Let me check again. Yes, it's still AUGUST, but there is now a snow prediction for Illinois. I understand that Illinois has had snow that early before. It's not impossible for some snow to start as early as late October, but "an early-season heavy snowfall" thing is not allowed that early in November. Let's vote on it. All in favor of heavy snow in November, say aye? No one? I'm in agreement.
There's one other dimension to this. This means that the upcoming dumpster fire of election day in early November could now include snow in Illinois. Perhaps. Might be a good idea to mentally prepare yourself for this now...after you're done mowing your lawn in 90 degree heat.
Farmer's Almanac Predicts First Frost for 20 Illinois Places
Gallery Credit: Canva
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