Watch Illinois Girl Save a Bird then It Returns to Thank Her
Let's face it. You currently don't get a lot of innocent moments in this world. This is one of those rare occasions. It's a video showing what happened as an Illinois girl saved a small bird and it appears to come back and thank her.
Here's the description with backstory of what you're about to see from the Rumble share from this girl's twin sister:
A bird flew into the store that I work at with my twin sister (pictured in video). She captured the bird in a coat and we outside to the side of the store to release the bird, when she put the bird in the grass he flew around and came back to land on the heel of her foot for a brief moment before flying away.
So much to love about this.
This reminds me so much of that famous Andy Griffith episode where Opie saved the baby birds after killing the mother bird and then had to release them back into the wild.
Well done Illinois girl with your bird rescue and thanks to your twin for capturing the unexpected bird thank you. More of this in the world, please.