‘Theory of a Deadman’ Cancels Tanyard Gardens Appearance
When it comes to their featured act for National Tom Sawyer Days, it’s back to the drawing board for the Hannibal Jaycees.
On their Facebook page Thursday, the Jaycees announced they had just been informed that Theory of a Deadman, the rock group that had been scheduled to appear at Tanyard Gardens June 27th, will not be here.
The COVID-19 pandemic is to blame for the cancellation. The Jaycees were told two members of the band are currently in Canada and cannot come to the U.S. because of travel restrictions.
Anyone who has already purchased tickets for the show will get a refund.
The Jaycees are working with their booking agent to find a replacement act.
Bands that are still booked for National Tom Sawyer Days include Superjam July 2nd, The American Standard Band July 3rd, and Maskara, Big Deal and Memphis Mafia July 4th.
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