Study: Missouri Part of “Heat Belt” by 2053, See 125 Degree Days
For all of our sakes, hope and pray this study is wrong. The claim is that in the next 30 years Missouri will become a part of what is being referred to as a "Heat Belt" that will see some days reach temperatures of 125 and higher.
I saw this report shared by Yahoo News about a climate study that estimates extreme heat will be commonplace over the middle of America by the year 2053. The study was shared by First Street Foundation. The study uses a climate model which says "the model finds 50 counties, home to 8.1 million residents, that are expected to experience temperatures above 125°F in 2023, the highest level of the National Weather Services’ heat index...By 2053,1,023 counties are expected to exceed this temperature"
It's worth mentioning that they claim this report has been peer-reviewed which infers there is a consensus on this very hot and bleak future. It's important to understand their methodology about how they came to this conclusion which they shared in a video.
It's also important to understand that even though Missouri was specifically mentioned in this study, Illinois will be affected also in virtually the same way. If correct, triple digit days exceeding 120 degrees will be the norm and not the exception.
One final thought. This is just a projection with some educated guessing. There are other models and theories that DO NOT agree this is where we're headed. It's worth downloading their full report so you can make up your own mind if we'll all need extreme sunblock by 2053 or not.