JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - The Missouri House has failed to override Gov. Jay Nixon's veto of a bill cutting state income taxes.
The House voted 94-67 for the veto override. But that fell significantly short of the 109 votes needed, because several Republican lawmakers sided with the Democratic governor.

The legislation would have gradually cut income taxes for both businesses and individuals. Republican legislative leaders had touted the measure as an important means of competing for businesses against Kansas, Oklahoma and other states that recently cut income taxes.

But Nixon warned that the lost revenues could have jeopardized funding for education and other services. He also noted that an apparent drafting error would have imposed state sales taxes on prescription drugs.

Republican lawmakers likely will try again next year to cut taxes.


Tax cut bill is HB253.

Addition by Wes Mitchell:

According to AP News, 15 Republicans voted not to override the Governor’s veto.  In Northeast Missouri,  State Representative Craig Redmon of Canton voted no.

The 94 Republicans voting in favor of an override include State Representatives Lindell Shumake of Hannibal and Jim Hansen of Frankford.


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