Mark Wiewel Keeps Pedaling for Food Pantries [Interview]
Mark Wiewel, the President & CEO of the Western Catholic Union, is zeroing in on raising a quarter of a million dollars with his "Bike for Food" fundraising ride. In the previous nine years, Wiewel has raised $203-thousand for food pantries in Quincy, Alton, Hannibal, Palmyra, Canton and Ft. Madison.
The 10th Annual "Bike for Food" bicycle ride, which raised $37,000 last year alone, will begin this Sunday, July 19 in Northern Iowa. Wiewel and his five children will begin pedaling on their recumbent bicycles in Souix City and end up in Davenport, Iowa on Saturday, July 25. The race is called the Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa or "RAGBRAI" and it will cover over 478 miles in seven days.
Wiewel hopes to get people to donate per mile with the Western Catholic Union matching donations up to $500 for each food pantry involved (see list below). To contact Mark to make a donation dial 242-5035 or email him at
Quincy Pantries:
Quincy Catholic Charities
Madonna House
Quincy Salvation Army
Ladies of Charity
St. Francis
GPS Ministries
Alton Pantry:
Alton Catholic Charities
Hannibal Pantry:
Douglas Community Center
Palmyra Pantry:
Palmyra Food Pantry
Canton Pantry:
Canton Council of Churches
Ft. Madison Pantry:
Ft. Madison Food Pantry