Did you know there are some who claim government officials have confided the public may not be warned in the event of an incoming nuclear attack? There are 5 signs you can look for that will alert you that an attack may be in the process of happening or imminent though.

We know that declassified documents have revealed that Missouri is a likely nuclear first-strike target if war breaks out. Author Annie Jacobsen revealed in interviews regarding her book Nuclear War - A Scenario that former Presidential advisors alerted her that there is a good chance the general public would NOT be warned if a nuclear attack were imminent.

There are several prepper groups who have shared 5 key things you can watch for that could alert you that a nuclear attack is imminent. If you live near the expected targets in Missouri like Whiteman Air Force Base, these could save your life (at least for awhile).

Car engine stopping could be an indication of an EMP attack.

Many strategists believe that an EMP attack (Electro Magnetic Pulse) would proceed a major nuclear attack. A nuclear explosion in the upper atmosphere would render nearly all vehicle engines unusable and could mean that a nuclear attack is either happening or about to proceed.


If you suddenly see a widespread internet outage over and above the usual small area outages, that could mean that an enemy is trying to greatly reduce the nation's ability to communicate which would create chaos once attacks begin. Cyberattacks could very well precede a nuclear event. The declassified 'Bolt Out of the Blue' government nuclear scenario addresses this possibility.


Missouri is home to Whiteman Air Force Base which is home to much of America's stealth bomber fleet. If you live in that part of Missouri and suddenly see masses of planes taking flight, that could mean attack is ongoing or imminent.


If you see news reports that US embassies abroad are being evacuated, that's a sure sign that a major conflict is unfolding. If the dignitaries are heading to hardened shelters, there's a dire reason why.


If you have friends and/or family in the military who are suddenly beckoned to a military base without previous announced plans including those on planned leave, that could indicate a conflict is imminent.

Here are a few additional things to keep your eyes open for. If you see known evacuation routes suddenly occupied by military and/or police, that could mean they are preparing for a mass exodus from an area. I've also seen it shared that the government suddenly withdrawing all amateur radio licenses, that could mean the government is trying to keep all those channels clear should a conflict break out.

Considering the fact that Putin just threatened NATO and the west with nukes again over involvement in the Ukraine, you really do need to have a plan if the worst-case scenario happens. The sad fact is you cannot assume that the government will have time to warn you even if it wants to. That's especially true in Missouri, a known first-strike nuclear target. Now, let's hope all this mental preparation is for nothing.

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