Stealth bombers are not new to Missouri, but this revamped model is. Now, you can see the B-21 Raider in action before it makes Missouri one of its homes.
There's something unusual happening in two places. One is the airspace over Alaska where Russian jets were intercepted and the other involves Missouri and two 'Doomsday Planes' that were recently spotted over it.
Talk about a long-distance punch. There's new information just shared that explains how a stealth bomber that took off from Missouri bombed Afghanistan without even landing once. Boom.
Ever learn something that you wish you didn't know? This is one of those things for me. I've discovered more facts than I wanted to know about how nuclear weapons really are transported on Missouri highways and there are lots of legitimate reasons to be very afraid.
If you thought the current fleet of stealth bombers that make their home at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri were intimidating, you should see the new silent but deadly new model that is next in line.
The truth is I think I was more stunned than they were. Some hikers making their way across Missouri captured video of a stealth bomber that flew directly over their trail.
It was just a typical Monday over Missouri. As you were probably going about getting your work done prior to the 4th of July holiday, a massive nuclear bomber was spotted over the state, but it's fine. It's probably fine.
This article will self-destruct in 10 seconds. Not really, but there are probably some government agents that wish it would since I have evidence that Missouri has at least 4 secrets on Google Earth that were never supposed to be seen.