Underwater Video Shows Thousands of Trout in a Missouri Stream
There's a reason why certain places in Missouri are nationally-known as some of the best fishing spots you'll ever find. New video shows why. It's a glimpse of what life is like as a trout revealing thousands of them in a Missouri stream.

When I was a kid, my dad would take trips to Bennett Spring, Missouri several times a year to fish. His preferred method was fly fishing, but he did plenty of bass and trout fishing, too. New video from that area shows just how many fish await your bait under those waters.
I caught lots of bass out of Missouri lakes and streams, but never a lot of trout. It's obvious now that I was fishing in the wrong place.
The Missouri Parks website says that Bennet Spring State Park has over 100 million gallons of clear water to fish in. That estimate might be conservative, but there's no question of how clear the water is. It is spectacular.
If you've ever wondered what life was like from the trout's perspective, this underwater video footage starts at around the 20 minute mark of this new video share by Midwest Traditions on YouTube.