I always found this so respectful when a funeral procession is happening that vehicles pull over and stop to pay respect, but do you have to?

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In Illinois, the answer is no. However, there is a law that says funeral processions have the right-of-way at intersections. As long as they have their flashers on and are a part of the funeral procession they can run through red lights and stop signs while in the processions.

The operator of the leading vehicle in a funeral procession shall comply with stop signs and traffic control signals but when the leading vehicle has proceeded across an intersection in accordance with such signal or after stopping as required by the stop sign, all vehicles in such procession may proceed without stopping, regardless of the sign or signal and the leading vehicle and the vehicles in procession shall proceed with due caution.

I find it very humbling to see cars pulled over and stopped for a person that they don't know just to show a sign of respect to not only that person, but for the family. I have been to funerals where as sad as I am, seeing this happen with strangers brings even more tears to my eyes.

If you were ever wondering if YOU HAVE to pull over the owner is now, but take it from someone who has received that respect it means a lot to the family and friends who are in the procession.

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