Hannibal Police to Launch Summer Youth Incentive Program
The Hannibal Police Department is partnering with a number of government agencies this summer in a new program for the city’s youth.
According to Chief Lyndell Davis, the new program is called PAY$, which stands for Positive Alternatives Youth Services, and is aimed at children ages 11 through 14.
Beginning this summer, HPD will give ten young people the chance to perform tasks for the Hannibal Public School District, Parks and Recreation Department, Street Department and the Northeast Missouri Humane Society.
In return for performing these tasks, the youth will get a variety of incentives, from pool passes to food vouchers to movie passes to cash and a $100 shopping spree at a local retailer.
The children will be selected based on recommendations by Hannibal Middle School counselors. The Hannibal Police School Resource Officers will supervise the program.