For over four decades, the Saturday before Easter in Hannibal has meant, among other things, the Evening Kiwanis annual Pancake Day.

This year's edition is Saturday, April 15 from 6 a.m. till noon at the Hannibal High School Cafeteria.

Kiwanians plan to serve over a thousand people with all-they-can-eat pancakes (the Kiwanis' secret recipe) and sausage. Meals will also be available to go.

Tickets are $6, and children under six can eat for free.

The Kiwanis will also have raffle tickets for sale for $20 each for your choice of a Fiat 500 Pop car, a Kawasaki Mule or $15,000 cash. That drawing with be July 4 during National Tom Sawyer Days.

Meanwhile, the Early Bird Kiwanis host their 30th annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday at Hannibal-LaGrange University, with prizes handed out at 9 a.m. and the hunt for some 10,000 plastic Easter eggs commencing at 10 a.m.


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