Hannibal Evening Kiwanis Pancake Day Saturday
For over four decades, the Saturday before Easter in Hannibal has meant, among other things, the Evening Kiwanis annual Pancake Day.
This year's edition is Saturday, April 15 from 6 a.m. till noon at the Hannibal High School Cafeteria.
Kiwanians plan to serve over a thousand people with all-they-can-eat pancakes (the Kiwanis' secret recipe) and sausage. Meals will also be available to go.
Tickets are $6, and children under six can eat for free.
The Kiwanis will also have raffle tickets for sale for $20 each for your choice of a Fiat 500 Pop car, a Kawasaki Mule or $15,000 cash. That drawing with be July 4 during National Tom Sawyer Days.
Meanwhile, the Early Bird Kiwanis host their 30th annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday at Hannibal-LaGrange University, with prizes handed out at 9 a.m. and the hunt for some 10,000 plastic Easter eggs commencing at 10 a.m.