Hannibal Early Bird Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt April 20
The Hannibal Early Birds Kiwanis club will sponsor their 32nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 20th, 2019, on the campus of Hannibal-LaGrange University, in the vicinity of the Mabee sports complex along Missouri Highway 168 in Hannibal.
The event will start at 9:00 a.m. with the giving away of numerous prizes donated by local merchants and industry in the Hannibal area. Each child will receive one “free” ticket for these prizes that are being given away. Additional tickets may be purchased for a donation of $1.00 per ticket for additional chances to win prizes. Doors to the Mabee Sports Complex will open at 8:30 a.m.
At approximately 10:00 a.m. the Easter Egg Hunt for over 10,000 plastic eggs will begin. As in past years, the hunt will be broken down into three age groups: Toddlers to age 3, ages 4 to 6 years, and ages 7 through 9 years. All children must be able to walk or run on their own. The egg hunt is “free” to the public. There will be free “goodie bags” for every child in attendance. This year’s event will also feature the presence of the Easter Bunny to greet the children and so they can have their picture taken with the bunny.
Letters were mailed to the members of the business and industrial community thanking them for their support in the past and requesting that they contribute or donate to this year’s event. Members of the Early Birds Kiwanis Club are in the process of following up with these members of the business community. Any member of the community that would like to donate toward this community service event may do so by sending their donation payable to “Hannibal Early Birds Kiwanis Club” and mailing it to P.O. Box 1233, Hannibal, Missouri 63401-1233 or by contacting one of the club members listed below. All funds received will be used to purchase additional prizes for the children in attendance at this event.
This event is not a fund raiser for the club, but rather a community service project sponsored by the Spiritual Aims and Youth Service Committees of the club.
The Early Birds Kiwanis Club meets every Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. at the Hannibal Nutrition Center located at 219 S. 10th Street in Hannibal. Those interested in being a part of this service club and helping to improve our community for our young people are welcome to visit the club at any time.
For more information concerning the 32nd Annual Early Birds Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt may call Kiwanians Joy McPike, vice president and event co-coordinator at 573-221-7612, David Maple, Club President and event co-coordinator at 573-795-8517, or Larry B. Craig, publicity chairman at 573-248-8800.