Hannibal Bicentennial Events Announced
2019 will be a year of celebration in Hannibal as the city celebrates two hundred years.
Cindy Lovell is the Hannibal Bicentennial Event Coordinator. Hometown heroes are going to be an important part of the celebration. Lovell says they plan to honor Hannibal military veterans in a variety of ways including banners around town and on the Hannibal2019 website with photos and military service details.
The bicentennial is also a chance for Hannibal businesses to tell their stories. Businesses are encouraged to share their history with the community.
A play based on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is scheduled for performance in Hannibal during 2019. A time capsule opening and a series of special exhibits and events are also in the works. You can keep up with bicentennial events at Hannibal2019.com.