Governor Introduces New Drought Programs in Missouri
Mo. Gov. Mike Parson introduces two new programs to help Missouri farmers battle the worsening drought.
Water from 28 conservation areas and 5 state parks will now be available for livestock needs. Up to 5,000 gallons can be pumped daily. Northeast Missouri sources include Ewing Lake, Fox Valley in Clark Co, LaBelle Lake, Sever Lake in Knox County, and Vandalia Conservation Lake. Wakonda State Park is also an approved source.
Farmers may also enter a haying lottery now through August 25. One farmer chosen in each designated area will receive a permit to harvest hay by November 27. In northeast Missouri, Long Branch State Park in Macon has 155 acres available.
More information on these programs is available at https://dnr.mo.gov/droughtresources.htm
In July, 51 counties were released for emergency haying and grazing. Seven more were added in August, including Marion, Ralls, and Shelby. A total of 86 Missouri counties are now said to be in drought alert.
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