Flash Flooding, Storm Damage in Quincy Sunday
It was a stormy Father’s Day in Quincy.

A slow moving severe storm moved through the area Sunday afternoon, dumping as much as four-and-a-half inches of rain between 2 and 4:30 p.m. in and around Quincy.
There were reports of flooded intersections in Quincy, with motorists stranded in their vehicles at Seventh and Jersey and Eighth and Chestnut.
Heavy rains and winds up to 60 miles per hours caused street damage at Third and Cedar and on Bonansinga Road in Quincy.
There was flooding on the lower floor and the first floor of Blessing Hospital which did not affect inpatient or utility services.
Ameren officials reported there were as many as 400 customers without power in their coverage area Sunday afternoon.
There is a chance for more storms in the area later this afternoon.
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