A Community College in Missouri was ranked the Best in the US
A website ranked the best community colleges in America and atop of the list is a local school in Missouri! What about this school makes it the best of the best when it comes to community colleges?

According to a new ranking from the website WalletHub.com, the best community college in America in 2022 is none other than the State Technical College of Missouri! It was ranked number one overall ahead of Northwest Iowa Community College, and Alexandria Technical & Community College.
So why does State Technical College of Missouri finish first? On the site, they rank the schools by a number of different categories, State Technical College of Missouri finished 3rd overall in Career Outcomes and 9th overall in Education Outcomes, and of the 677 community colleges they ranked it finished 279th for cost.
So how do some area community colleges stack up in the rankings? Well, Southeastern community college in Burlington, Iowa ranks 235th, while John Wood Community College in Quincy ranks 543rd overall, JWCC ranks really well for their Educational Outcomes, but their cost is high according to the site being ranked 603rd out of 677. To see the full list of community college rankings just click here!
I think community colleges are such an important part of the education system in America, they are there in smaller and larger communities offering more affordable educational options, are really flexible with scheduling, and are great for kids who want to knock out classes before heading to a 4-year university. Did you ever attend a community college?
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