Watch a Huge Bolt of Lightning Barely Miss the Gateway Arch
Many believe that lightning always strikes the tallest conductive objects. There's proof that isn't always the case as new video shows a huge bolt of lightning barely missing the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.

This is one of the reasons why I have recommended many times that you subscribe to Dan Robinson's YouTube channel. Here's what he just shared today from a storm he was capturing video of in St. Louis:
Short barrages of close lightning on Sunday in St. Louis not hitting the tallest/most conductive objects (Gateway Arch and a cell tower), more examples to bust that common myth.
Missed it by THAT much.
Dan wrote his own article about how lightning will strike whatever is in its path and not necessarily the highest conductive surface. A conversation on Quora asking the same question agrees with Dan. They state that "lightning is chaotic" and that kind of sums it up. But, they do add that "the average behavior is that lightning strikes the highest object". Gotta love science.
A few weeks ago, Dan also shared another epic lightning moment in and around St. Louis. He's like a modern day Tesla with a camera.
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