Video of Three Giant Whitetail Deer roaming through Illinois
Really clear footage taken just a couple of days ago of three large deer in Illinois locking antlers at one point. I don't remember ever seeing a gathering of whitetail like this before!

This video was uploaded to YouTube a couple of days ago at the end of November by a YouTube channel called Cedar Ridge Whitetails LLC, and even though the video is short (just under 30 seconds long) it gives you a great look at three giant whitetail deer making their way through the Land of Lincoln.
I have never been hunting for anything, let alone deer, growing up in the suburbs of Chicago hunting wasn't something that was popular to do let alone talk about. But since moving to west-central Illinois, I have to say that my interest in watching trail cams, and footage of deer and other animals has skyrocketed. I don't know if I will ever be the guy who goes out hunting but just watching videos like this is fascinating to see these animals interacting with each other and roaming through the rural parts of the state of Illinois. It makes me wonder how cool it would be to actually be out there in the woods looking for these animals and getting to experience them up close and personal. Maybe some of you experienced hunters are laughing at a video like this because you see it all the time, but to me, it is really neat to see all these types of videos of massive deer out there roaming around.
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