Really clear footage taken just a couple of days ago of three large deer in Illinois locking antlers at one point. I don't remember ever seeing a gathering of whitetail like this before!
The second portion of the firearm's season in Illinois will begin this Thursday and run through this Sunday night. Illinois hunters harvested fewer deer during the opening weekend of the firearm season this year.The deer harvested in the first firearm's season was down compared to recent years.
(KAHOKA)—Opening day of Missouri’s firearm deer season saw its Governor harvest an 11-point buck in Clark County. Governor Jay Nixon donated the venison to the Share the Harvest program which provides meat to families in need. The buck was taken to Kahoka Meat Processing where the meat will be packaged for distribution to an area food bank...
Bow hunters posted increases in both deer and turkey harvests during Missouri’s 2012-2013 archery season, topping the previous year’s total for the second year in a row.