This Illinois Owl Stole a Horse Broom & Rode Off Like a Cowboy
A funny thing happened the other day in a neighborhood in Illinois. You might want to sit down for this. An owl decided he wanted to be a cowboy and stole a horse broom. There's video showing what happened next.

Eric Lind works at Pekin Community High School as a systems administrator according to his Facebook profile. I wouldn't have known that except it was Eric who shared this epic video of what happened when an owl in his neighborhood took ownership of a horse broom. Good ride, cowboy.
In case you can't read the small print from Eric's post, here's the status he included for the full backstory:
Current situation at my parents house.....the young neighborhood owl has stolen this stick horse and is flying around the neighborhood with it. Hilldale/Forest Park/Ridge lane neighbors...if your child is missing their stick horse, you'll have to talk to the owl!!
Edit: for those of you questioning if the owl is hurt or "entangled" in the stick horse....we have no reason to believe this is the case as we witnessed the owl moving the horse around and even changing it's grip on it at one point....this owl is part of a family of owls that have been in the neighborhood for about 6 months now, and this is one of the young owls...if someone sees that the owl is in danger or believes it is hurt, I'm sure the proper authorities would be contacted...
So, the owl not only is riding that horse broom like it's his, but doubling down by strengthening his grip? Way to own it, big bird.
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