If you are a fan of Netflix's show Bridgerton, then you are going to love this English Renaissance-style home in St. Louis.

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Get ready to step back in time with this beautiful mahogany paneling and, oak linenfold paneling in this $2.6 million home in St. Louis, Missouri. The outside alone reminds me of something you would see in a TV show or movie set back in England in the 1800s, and the paneling is gorgeous. However, when you walk in and see the grand staircase, there is a section where the stained glass is just too beautiful not to stop and appreciate.

LOOK INSIDE: Missouri Mansion Built in 1899

The house is not small either as I am sure you can see from the photos. It's just over 15,00 square feet with eight bedrooms and 7.5 bathrooms right in the heart of St. Louis. Can you imagine the parties that took place when this house was first built? The ladies coming down the stairs in their fancy gowns, the men in the smoke room drinking bourbon and whisky, man if these walls could talk the stories we would get.

I am sure too that back in 1899 there was just land and parks surrounding the home and it wasn't so busy and having horse-drawn carriages bring people to the house, would have been a fun time to be living in St. Louis.

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