A New Ranking of Best States for 2024 Puts Missouri Among Lowest
We all know how great Missouri is. You have a Super Bowl Champion team, Route 66, and several cities, but according to a new U.S. News ranking Missouri is among the lowest in the country.
First, some of the best states in the country include Utah #1 (for the second year in a row), followed by New Hampshire, Nebraska, Minnesota, Idaho, and Iowa. But like all good states, there are bad states.
Good News
There is good news for Missouri, it doesn't rank in the bottom ten so there's that. But U.S. News puts Missouri at #35 out of 50. So it's not bad, but it's not great other. Some factors examined to determine this ranking include health care, education, opportunity, crime and corrections, and more. I would say because of the crime and connections that's why Missouri is ranked a bit low.
The Breakdown
Missouri finishes 45th in crime and corrections, 30th in education, 45th in health care, 17th in natural environment, 25th in economy, 10th for fiscal stability, 34th in infrastructure, and 15th in opportunity. Giving the Show-Me State an overall score of 35

Illinois isn't any better coming in at #38 on the list.
Where Should You Live?
If you want to decide which state you should live in, you can take the U.S. News Quiz. According to my results, I should live in Utah. As much as I am sure it's a lovely state, I think I am good right where I am (for now anyway).
Best counties to live in Missouri
Gallery Credit: Stacker
Cities with the most expensive homes in Missouri
Gallery Credit: Stacker
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