If you've lived in the Hannibal area and gone through the Mark Twain Cave complex more than a few times in your life, this really won't be news. However, a major travel website has just named it as one of the most family-friendly cave tours in all of Missouri.
I want to preface this by stating that much of what I've found is based on legends which may or may not be true. However, it appears there is at the very least some twisted truth in the telling of the Missouri doctor who allegedly stole corpses and at one time owned Mark Twain Cave in Hannibal.
In this season of all things creepy, spooky and altogether ooky, we can't let October get by without sharing the story of Hannibal's own "mad doctor," Dr. Joseph McDowell.
As many as 60 proprietors of various show caves from around the country are in Hannibal this week for the 52nd annual meeting of the National Caves Association.
Anyone taking a tour of the famous Mark Twain Cave on Highway 79, just south of Hannibal, has heard the story of Dr. Joseph Nash McDowell and his young daughter. Many of the tour guides and visitors have actually seen the spirit of Dr. McDowell's daughter.