Having grown up in the rural part of Missouri, seeing farm equipment on the roads is not unusual, but we're approaching the time of year when being aware of that presence is literally a life and death situation. New data shared by the Missouri State Highway Patrol hammers that truth home.
At some level, all of us are looking for love. For one Sikeston, Missouri farmer, that pursuit will be a very public one as he's one of the featured guys on season 2 of reality show Farmer Wants a Wife on Fox.
If you want something done and done right, find a Missouri working dog. Don't believe me? You should see a team of canines who convinced a bunch of cattle that they needed to load onto a trailer like it was nothing.
If you need proof that agriculture is still the king of Illinois, consider this exhibit A. If you think the most expensive land in Illinois is a mansion, guess again. It's a more than 248 acre farm in Hebron.
Times are tough for many. That's as evident as ever in a notice that Smithfield Foods is closing 35 Missouri hog production sites which will mean 92 jobs will be lost by October.