People are hot and bothered about this. There's a white-hot conversation raging on the internet about a picture shared from a Missouri business that infers they are not required to let their workers take a break. Dumpster fire in progress.
If you have a current non-compete agreement with your Missouri employer, it is no longer valid. There's a new ruling that instantly makes these type of arrangements illegal for all but the top executives.
Do you know where the line is when your boss stops being a boss and begins to become a law breaker? In the state of Illinois, there are certain things that a boss can't do to you without breaking the law and you probably have more power than you think.
Do you have a boss that's hard on you? Did you know there are certain things they can't do in Missouri or they're breaking the law. It's true and you have more power than you might think.
Numbers are not my specialty, but it doesn't take a math genius to be completely befuddled about the sheer number of workers that have left the state of Illinois in just 4 short years. It's really remarkable by just about any measure.
It's one thing for outsiders to view a company favorably and that's obviously good for business, but one Illinois company was just voted the best place to work in America by its own people.
I don't think I'm revealing anything you don't already know if you follow things I share, but I am not the resource most turn to when they need serious legal advice. However, I am a working person like you probably are and I have questions sometimes about things like lunch breaks. Do you get what you deserve under Missouri law? My guess is probably not.
There's one Missouri company who is optimistic about the future of their part of the state as they've announced they're investing a whopping $50 million dollars as they expand which will also create 400 new Missouri jobs.