
Government Might Take Control of Missouri Smartphones in 2024?
Government Might Take Control of Missouri Smartphones in 2024?
Government Might Take Control of Missouri Smartphones in 2024?
You're obviously reading this right now and you're probably doing it on a smartphone in Missouri that you think is yours. I say "think" because there are reports that the government may very well try to take control of your Missouri smartphone in 2024, but they're not sure. That's reassuring.
Why You Never Want to Hear 'Code Blue!' When Shopping in Illinois
Why You Never Want to Hear 'Code Blue!' When Shopping in Illinois
Why You Never Want to Hear 'Code Blue!' When Shopping in Illinois
I tend to mentally ignore any store announcements when I'm shopping in one of the zillion Illinois stores I frequent when running family errands. That's actually a very bad idea and this is a great example. If you suddenly hear "code blue!" over the intercom, you're probably in big trouble.
What if this Missouri Nuke Plant Melted Down? It’ll Be Fine
What if this Missouri Nuke Plant Melted Down? It’ll Be Fine
What if this Missouri Nuke Plant Melted Down? It’ll Be Fine
I like to watch disaster movies. I should probably share that before I dive into a subject I've always wondered about. What would happen if the nuclear power plant in Missouri had a catastrophic failure? There isn't as much to worry about as the Hollywood movies would have you imagine.

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