A good education sure can cost you especially if you decide to go the private school route. Thanks to a new ranking, you can see the 10 most expensive private schools in Illinois based on their annual tuition.
Not everyone gets a trophy, but there are some Missouri places who have better performing public schools than others. I was genuinely surprised to see some well-known Missouri cities that suddenly are ranked among the 70 worst in the state when it comes to their school performance.
For what it's worth, I'm not on board with all of the stay away from Illinois at all costs lists that occasionally get passed around the internet. However, I'm not an expert mover and there are several moving companies that seem to be in agreement that you might want to avoid moving to the Land of Lincoln.
Being expensive isn't necessarily a bad thing especially if what you're providing is worth the cost. That seems to be the case for the most expensive high school in Wisconsin which really does look like a big, regal castle.
I was slightly familiar with this Missouri high school, but there were two very important things I was not aware of. First, I did not know that the tuition made it the most costly high school in the state of Missouri and I did not know that it has apparently closed in disgrace.
Since it's graduation time for many Missouri institutions of higher learning, it seems like an appropriate time to crown the worst university in Missouri. There are multiple internet "experts" that seem to agree about the winner loser.
As a non-college graduate, perhaps I'm not the best messenger for this news regarding 3 Wisconsin universities that were shockingly included in a recent ranking of the worst schools in America.
In what should be the least surprising news I share today, I did not attend preschool before I entered elementary school in Missouri. Perhaps I should have as there are some great options among the top 10 rated public preschools in Missouri that all deserve the A they get.
I believe this is meant as a compliment although I'm not certain everyone will take it that way. Forbes says that there are two places of higher learning in Illinois that are now part of a 'new Ivy League'.