Video Shows a Bull Named Clem on the Loose in St. Louis, Missouri
This is one of the reasons I love the internet. If not for the net, I would have never seen a bull named Clem who's now on the loose and running wild in St. Louis, Missouri right now.
Great catch, Fox 2 out of St. Louis for this most incredible video share. The short version of what's going on is Clem is a bull who got loose the other night on I-70 in St. Louis. Residents in a neighborhood knew something special was happening when they saw a cow on their doorbell cameras.
This really is too wonderful for words, so behold the video evidence.
I love so much about this including the fact that the Missourians are cheering on the bull. Are they upset a horned beast is running wild around their homes? Nope. They want to see Clem live his best life.
It's not all good video fun though. KSDK is reporting that two cows died in the crash when Clem broke loose. That's unfortunate and very sad.
Well done, St. Louis residents (and Clem) though. You obviously have your priorities straight when you're in favor of livestock breaking free. When/If I ever grow up, I want to be just like you.
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Gallery Credit: Noah Wittner via YouTube