Holocaust Survivor to Speak, 50 Miles of Art, and More
It's another busy weekend around the area.
Friday night, Holocaust survivor, speaker and author Eva Mozes Kor appears at Hannibal-LaGrange University in the Roland Fine Arts Center at 5:30 p.m.
The Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum hosts its 3rd annual Trivia Night fundraiser Friday night at the Hannibal Nutrition Center. Proceeds go to finishing up the restoration of the Becky Thatcher Home.
St. Brigid Church in Liberty hosts a fish fry at the church on Highway104 Friday night from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
Looking at the list for Saturday:
The 3rd annual Fabulous Fur Ball to benefit the Quincy Humane Society happens from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Town and Country Inn and Suites in Quincy.
There's a benefit for cancer patient Teri Nutt Schroder beginning at noon at the South Side Boat Club in Quincy, with music, food, raffles and an auction.
QHS Athletic Programs benefit from an evening called, "Are You Smarter than a QHS Coach?" at the Oakley Lindsay Center. There will be food, music and a game show.
The Pretty in Pink Silent Auction, Dinner and Dance in honor of Sarah Roth takes place at the Hannibal American Legion, with a social hour at 5:30, followed by a catered dinner, auction and dance.
Union United Methodist Church in Quincy hosts its 12th annual pancake and sausage breakfast Saturday from 7 to 11 a.m.
Quincy University Campus Ministry hosts a trivia night at 6:30 p.m. in the Hall of Fame Room at QU. The fundraiser benefits the QU Haiti Connection.
Saturday and Sunday is the semi-annual 50 Miles of Art artist studio and gallery tour, with stops in Hannibal, Louisiana and Clarksville.
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