County to Pay for Pathologist Investigation into Infant Death
An Adams County judge approved a request Friday to hire a forensic pathologist to review the case of a Quincy man accused in the death of an infant two years ago.
Judge Robert Adrian approved the request of 32 year old Travis Wiley for the county to pay for the pathologist from St. Louis to determine if there is any controversy regarding the cause of death in the case.
Wiley is charged with three counts of first degree murder and one count of aggravated battery.
Wiley is alleged to have shaken an infant in January of 2018. The baby died two days later at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital in St. Louis.
Wiley was arrested after a six month investigation.
Wiley is back in court for a status hearing February 26th.
He remains in the Adams County Jail on $5-million dollars bond.
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